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Revision as of 19:26, 20 April 2016 by Frankiezafe (Talk | contribs) (Trial and errors)

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Trial and errors


After 2/3 tutorials in the ogre's wiki, I tried a few things:

  • animation of objects
  • better shadows
  • ray-casting

Sur les réseaux:

facebook, groupe openframewors

First steps with #Ogre3D.
Result: awesome.
I developped for several years with #openframeworks and i loved the way it goes: you start with an empty project (a black window) and you build gradually something, by following tutorials and in the same time learning OpenGL and C++.
Ogre has the same philosophy: “You want to do something? Ok, we will help, but you have to understand what you doing!” And therefore, your achievements are really yours.
#unity3d and even more #unrealengine are huge engines where everything is hidden from you (code, i mean). Everything you do with them is directly polished and “commercialisable”, mainstream.
For all those you needs something more powerful then of for 3D, i strongly suggest #Ogre3D.


Prise en main de #Ogre3d.
Jusqu’à présent, c’est assez fluide:
   la doc sur le net est un peu éparpillée mais je m’y retrouve;
   les commentaires dans la source sont supers;
   les classes de math manquent peut-être de qqles surcharges d’opérateurs ( *= pour les quaternions, c’est pratique )
Par contre, c’est carrément le paradis par rapport à #Unity3D! Je bosse directement sur linux, avec les classes Ogre, en #cpp et dans #netbeans. En un mot: merveilleux.
