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(4 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 99: Line 99:
  # name of the armature
  # name of the armature
  ARMATURE_NAME = 'armature_skeleton'
  ARMATURE_NAME = 'armature_skeleton'
  NAME_FILTER = 'spine'
  NAME_FILTER = [ 'arm', '_tail' ] # AND clause
  def doContinue( name ):
  def doContinue( name ):
     global NAME_FILTER
     global NAME_FILTER
     if NAME_FILTER == '':
     if len(NAME_FILTER) == 0:
         return True
         return True
     if name.find( NAME_FILTER ) != -1:
     allchecked = True
        return True
    for n in NAME_FILTER:
     return False
        if name.find( n ) == -1:
            allchecked = False
     return allchecked
  scn = bpy.context.scene
  scn = bpy.context.scene
Line 139: Line 142:
== GlueVertices ==
== GlueVertices ==
It seems simple when started, but if the script is applied on a mesh having 10K vertices, comparing all vertices on all vertices becomes quite heavy. The optimisation is to select a bunch of vertices in EDIT mode. This indicates to the script where to search and compare positions. The second trick is that you can't hold references to vertices when you swicth modes! This is a huge drawback when you need to do things like this...
[https://github.com/Blender-Brussels/bpy-bge-library/blob/master/users/frankiezafe/tanukis/BatchBonesModification.py script on github]
Anyway, the first pass of the script is very slow. I suggest to open a console and follow the execution.
# based on https://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_current/bpy.types.MeshVertex.html?highlight=meshvertex
# and http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/7144/how-to-get-the-distance-between-two-objects-in-the-game-engine
import bpy
from bpy import context
from math import sqrt
from mathutils import Vector
# BEFORE launching script, SELECT the vertices form the region to test ( EDIT MODE, point select, rectangular selection for instance )
# config
TOLERANCE = 0.00001
# globals
def getDistance( v1, v2 ):
    distance = sqrt( (v1.co[0] - v2.co[0])**2 + (v1.co[1] - v2.co[1])**2 + (v1.co[2] - v2.co[2])**2)
    return distance
def getDistance2Vector( vertex, vector ):
    distance = sqrt( (vertex.co[0] - vector.x)**2 + (vertex.co[1] - vector.y)**2 + (vertex.co[2] - vector.z)**2)
    return distance
obj = context.active_object
print( "scanning", obj.data.vertices, "vertices" )
vall = obj.data.vertices
for v in vall:
    if v.select:
        VSELECTED.append( v )
print( "***********", len( VSELECTED ), "vertices to verify" )
# making merge groups
vselnum = len( VSELECTED )
i = 0
for v in VSELECTED:
    #print( v.co, i )
    for j in range( i + 1, vselnum ):
        if j >= vselnum:
        vo = VSELECTED[ j ]
        d = getDistance( v, vo )
        if d < TOLERANCE:
            # retro seeking: v may have to be merged with a previous one!
            index = i
            for m in VMERGES:
                mlist = VMERGES[ m ]
                mcontinue = True
                for mc in mlist:
                    if mc == v:
                        index = m
                        mcontinue = False
                        #print( "retro-seek is successful", i, m )
                if not mcontinue:
            if i not in VMERGES:
                VMERGES[ index ] = [ v ]
            VMERGES[ index ].append( vo )
    i += 1
# rendering position of merge
for k in VMERGES:
    mlist = VMERGES[ k ]
    pos = Vector( (0,0,0) )
    for mc in mlist:
        pos.x += mc.co[0]
        pos.y += mc.co[1]
        pos.z += mc.co[2]
    pos.x /= len( mlist )
    pos.y /= len( mlist )
    pos.z /= len( mlist )
    #print( len(VMERGEPOS), ">>", len(mlist), ">>", pos )
    VMERGEPOS.append( pos )
print( "VMERGEPOS:",  len( VMERGEPOS ) )
bpy.context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = (True , False , False)
mcount = 0
for p in VMERGEPOS:
    vall = obj.data.vertices
    velected = 0
    for v in vall:
        d = getDistance2Vector( v, p )
        if d < TOLERANCE:
            v.select = True
            velected += 1
    if velected != 0:
        print( "merge done at", p.x, p.y, p.z, "vertex:", velected, "count:", mcount, "/", len(VMERGEPOS) )
    MERGED_COUNT += velected
    mcount += 1
print( "total:",  MERGED_COUNT, "vertices have been merged" )
[https://github.com/Blender-Brussels/bpy-bge-library/blob/master/users/frankiezafe/tanukis/GlueVertices.py script on github]

Latest revision as of 20:10, 9 April 2016

Python scripts vault used during the project.


import bpy, math
from mathutils import Vector, Matrix
# configuration ############
ARMATURE_NAME = 'makehuman'
BONE_NAME = 'RightArm'
# getting the right bone, no safety net...
scn = bpy.context.scene
armature = scn.objects[ ARMATURE_NAME ].data
bone = armature.bones[ BONE_NAME ]
# orientation of the bone is represented as a 4x4 matrix
# see https://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_2_59_0/bpy.types.Bone.html#bpy.types.Bone.matrix_local
bone_mat = bone.matrix_local
# getting the active object
target = scn.objects.active
# copy of the matrix ############
target.matrix_local = bone_mat
target.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'
target.rotation_mode = 'XYZ'
print( 'done, matrix of bone', armature.name, ':', bone.name, 'copied on',  target.name )

script on github


import bpy

# right and left markers

# name of the armature and the related mesh
ARMATURE_NAME = 'armature_skeleton'
MESH_NAME = 'skeleton'

scn = bpy.context.scene
armature = scn.objects[ ARMATURE_NAME ].data
mesh = scn.objects[ MESH_NAME ]

# renaming all bones
print( "armature:", ARMATURE_NAME, armature )
for b in armature.bones:
   b.name = b.name.replace( NEEDLE, REPLACE )
   print( b.name )
# renaming all vertex groups
print( "mesh:", MESH_NAME, mesh )
for vg in mesh.vertex_groups:
   vg.name = vg.name.replace( NEEDLE, REPLACE )
   print( vg.name )

script on github


import bpy

# name of the armature and the related mesh
ARMATURE_NAME = 'armature_skeleton'
MESH_NAME = 'skeleton'

scn = bpy.context.scene
armature = scn.objects[ ARMATURE_NAME ].data
mesh = scn.objects[ MESH_NAME ]

print( mesh.vertex_groups )

# creation of missing vertex groups
for b in armature.bones:
   found = False
   for vg in mesh.vertex_groups:
       if vg.name == b.name:
           found = True
   if found == False:
       mesh.vertex_groups.new( b.name )
       print( b.name, "vertex group created" )

# deletion of vertex groups
   for vg in mesh.vertex_groups:
       found = False
       for b in armature.bones:
           if vg.name == b.name:
               found = True
       if found == False:
           print( vg.name, "vertex group removed" )
           mesh.vertex_groups.remove( vg )

script on github


import bpy

# name of the armature
ARMATURE_NAME = 'armature_skeleton'
NAME_FILTER = [ 'arm', '_tail' ] # AND clause

def doContinue( name ):
   global NAME_FILTER
   if len(NAME_FILTER) == 0:
       return True
   allchecked = True
   for n in NAME_FILTER:
       if name.find( n ) == -1:
           allchecked = False
   return allchecked

scn = bpy.context.scene
armature = scn.objects[ ARMATURE_NAME ]

# modification on bones
# modifiable params are listed in doc
# https://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_2_77_release/bpy.types.Bone.html#bpy.types.Bone
print( '**** bones:', len(armature.pose.bones) )
for b in armature.data.bones:
   if not doContinue( b.name ):
   print( b.name )
   b.use_inherit_rotation = True
   b.use_inherit_scale = False

# modification on pose bones
# modifiable params are listed in doc 
# https://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_2_77_release/bpy.types.PoseBone.html
print( '**** pose bones:', len(armature.pose.bones) )
for pb in armature.pose.bones:
   if not doContinue( pb.name ):
   print( pb.name )
   pb.lock_location = (False,False,False)
   pb.lock_rotation = (False,False,False)
   pb.lock_scale = (False,False,False)

script on github


It seems simple when started, but if the script is applied on a mesh having 10K vertices, comparing all vertices on all vertices becomes quite heavy. The optimisation is to select a bunch of vertices in EDIT mode. This indicates to the script where to search and compare positions. The second trick is that you can't hold references to vertices when you swicth modes! This is a huge drawback when you need to do things like this...

Anyway, the first pass of the script is very slow. I suggest to open a console and follow the execution.

# based on https://www.blender.org/api/blender_python_api_current/bpy.types.MeshVertex.html?highlight=meshvertex
# and http://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/7144/how-to-get-the-distance-between-two-objects-in-the-game-engine
import bpy
from bpy import context
from math import sqrt
from mathutils import Vector

# BEFORE launching script, SELECT the vertices form the region to test ( EDIT MODE, point select, rectangular selection for instance )

# config
TOLERANCE = 0.00001

# globals

def getDistance( v1, v2 ):
   distance = sqrt( (v1.co[0] - v2.co[0])**2 + (v1.co[1] - v2.co[1])**2 + (v1.co[2] - v2.co[2])**2)
   return distance

def getDistance2Vector( vertex, vector ):
   distance = sqrt( (vertex.co[0] - vector.x)**2 + (vertex.co[1] - vector.y)**2 + (vertex.co[2] - vector.z)**2)
   return distance

obj = context.active_object
print( "scanning", obj.data.vertices, "vertices" )


vall = obj.data.vertices
for v in vall:
   if v.select:
       VSELECTED.append( v )

print( "***********", len( VSELECTED ), "vertices to verify" )

# making merge groups
vselnum = len( VSELECTED )
i = 0
for v in VSELECTED:
   #print( v.co, i )
   for j in range( i + 1, vselnum ):
       if j >= vselnum:
       vo = VSELECTED[ j ]
       d = getDistance( v, vo )
       if d < TOLERANCE:
           # retro seeking: v may have to be merged with a previous one!
           index = i
           for m in VMERGES:
               mlist = VMERGES[ m ]
               mcontinue = True
               for mc in mlist:
                   if mc == v:
                       index = m
                       mcontinue = False
                       #print( "retro-seek is successful", i, m )
               if not mcontinue:
           if i not in VMERGES:
               VMERGES[ index ] = [ v ]
           VMERGES[ index ].append( vo )
   i += 1

# rendering position of merge
for k in VMERGES:
   mlist = VMERGES[ k ]
   pos = Vector( (0,0,0) )
   for mc in mlist:
       pos.x += mc.co[0]
       pos.y += mc.co[1]
       pos.z += mc.co[2]
   pos.x /= len( mlist )
   pos.y /= len( mlist )
   pos.z /= len( mlist )
   #print( len(VMERGEPOS), ">>", len(mlist), ">>", pos )
   VMERGEPOS.append( pos )

print( "VMERGEPOS:",  len( VMERGEPOS ) )

bpy.context.tool_settings.mesh_select_mode = (True , False , False)

mcount = 0
for p in VMERGEPOS:
   vall = obj.data.vertices
   velected = 0
   for v in vall:
       d = getDistance2Vector( v, p )
       if d < TOLERANCE:
           v.select = True
           velected += 1
   if velected != 0:
       print( "merge done at", p.x, p.y, p.z, "vertex:", velected, "count:", mcount, "/", len(VMERGEPOS) )
   MERGED_COUNT += velected
   mcount += 1

print( "total:",  MERGED_COUNT, "vertices have been merged" )

script on github