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Adaptation of the list of game engines. Only opensource & libre game engines are kept.

I'm searching for a:

  • 3d,
  • cross-platform ( linux, windows, osx, ios, android ),
  • C++,
  • HMD enabled and
  • PhysX enabled

game engine.

Full list of free engines

Name Primary programming language Scripting Cross-platform 2D/3D oriented Target platform Notable games License Notes and references
Adventure Game Studio C++ AGSScript Yes 2D Windows, Linux wikipedia:Chzo Mythos, wikipedia:The Blackwell Series Artistic License 2.0 Mostly used to develop third-person wikipedia:pre-rendered wikipedia:graphical adventure games, one of the most popular for developing amateur wikipedia:adventure games.
Aleph One C++ Lua, Marathon markup language Yes 2.5D Windows, Linux, OS X Aleph One (Marathon remake) GPL FPS engine
Allegro C Ada, C++, C#, D, Lisp, Lua, Mercury, Pascal, wikipedia:Perl, Python, Scheme Yes 2D Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Raspberry Pi, wikipedia:DOS zlib Graphics, audio, and input.
Anura C++ Yes 2D Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Android, wikipedia:BlackBerry 10 wikipedia:Frogatto & Friends zlib
Ardor3D Java Yes 3D Cross-platform zlib Fork of wikipedia:jMonkeyEngine 2.0
Blend4Web JavaScript, Python, C, C++ JavaScript Yes 3D WebGL, Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Android wikipedia:Experience Curiosity, wikipedia:Petigor's Tale, wikipedia:Back to the Middle Ages GPLv3 or commercial Game content, including graphics, animation, sound, and physics, is authored in the 3D modeling and animation suite Blender.
Blender C, C++ Python Yes 2D, 3D Windows, Linux, OS X, Solaris wikipedia:Yo Frankie!, wikipedia:Sintel The Game, ColorCube GPL 2D/3D game engine packaged in a 3D modeler with integrated Bullet physics library.
Build engine C Yes 2.5D Windows, Linux, OS X, wikipedia:DOS wikipedia:Duke Nukem 3D, wikipedia:Shadow Warrior, Blood, wikipedia:Redneck Rampage Custom (?) FPS engine, wikipedia:2.5D (2D grid base geometry.)
Cafu Engine C++ Lua Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X GPL or Proprietary Includes a map editor and networking.
ClanLib C++ Yes 2.5D Windows, Linux, OS X zlib
Cocos2d, Cocos2d-x, Cocos2d-html5 C++, Python, Objective-C, JavaScript JavaScript, Java, Lua Yes 2D, 2.5D, 3D Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Android, BlackBerry, wikipedia:Tizen Hardest Game Ever 2, DQMSL, Tiny Village, Badland, Small Street, Tiny Tower, Pocket Planes, Hill Climb, Star Thief, Geometry Dash MIT iOS target uses Objective-C. Android target binds to Java.
Codea Lua No 2D iOS Cargo-Bot Apache 2.0
Construct C++ Javascript Yes 2D Windows, OS X, wikipedia:Wii U, HTML5 capable wikipedia:internet browsers Proprietary, wikipedia:GPL Classic version available under GPL.
Core3D Objective-C Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS CoreBreach 3D Engine MIT, Source Code GPL v2
Crystal Space C++ Java, Perl, Python Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X Keepsake, The Crystal Scrolls, wikipedia:Yo Frankie! LGPL
Cube C++ Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X wikipedia:AssaultCube, Cube zlib Previous generation (means it has a successor), 2D grid-based system, optimized for outdoor rather than indoor maps.
Cube 2 C++ CubeScript Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X Cube 2, wikipedia:Red Eclipse zlib Efficient 6-directional height map based geometry (versus traditional wikipedia:Polygon soup model), hence the name Cube, FPS engine.
Delta3D C++ Python Yes 2.5D Cross-platform LGPL
Dim3 C++ JavaScript Yes 3D Cross-platform MIT
DimensioneX Multiplayer Engine Java Java, VBScript Yes 2.5D Cross-platform Underworld Online GPL Produces browser games with pseudo-3D views. Games can be turned into Facebook Apps. Intended for beginners.
Env3D Java Yes 3D Cross-platform GPL 3D game engine that creates an interface for dynamically adding EnvObjects. Built on wikipedia:jMonkeyEngine 2.0. Intended for educational use in teaching computer science.
Exult C++ Yes 2D Windows, Linux, OS X, wikipedia:BSD GPL wikipedia:Free software re-implementation of the wikipedia:Ultima VII game engine.
Flixel ActionScript Yes 2D Various games by wikipedia:Gregory Weir MIT Boiler-plate code for Flash games.
Game Editor Custom (C styled) Yes 2D iPhone, wikipedia:iPad, OS X, Windows (95-Windows 7), Linux, Windows-based wikipedia:Smartphones, wikipedia:GP2X, Pocket PCs, wikipedia:Handheld PCs Notable games GPL / Proprietary
GamePlay3D C++ Lua Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, wikipedia:BlackBerry 10, Android Apache 2.0 Aimed at the indie game developer ecosystem with similar features to cocos2d-x.
Gamvas JavaScript JavaScript Yes 2D HTML5 MIT HTML5 canvas game engine with wikipedia:Box2D integration.
Godot C++ GDScript Yes 2D, 3D Cross-platform MIT
Horde3D C++ Yes 3D Windows, Linux EPL Horde3D is a small 3D rendering engine designed for large crowds of animated characters.
HPL Engine C++ AngelScript Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X wikipedia:Penumbra: Overture, wikipedia:Penumbra: Black Plague, wikipedia:Penumbra: Requiem, wikipedia:Amnesia: The Dark Descent, wikipedia:Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, wikipedia:Soma (video game) Proprietary, GPL HPL is a cross-platform game engine which is compatible with the OpenGL, OpenAL, and Newton Game Dynamics libraries. One of the engine's defining features is its ability for advanced object interaction through the use of Newton's physics code. HPL Engine 1, the first version, is available under GPL.
id Tech 1 (Doom) C ACS Yes 2.5D Windows, Linux, OS X Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, Strife, wikipedia:Chex Quest GPL 2D-based level geometry, sprites, and particles, uses clever methods to give the illusion of 3D depth.
id Tech 2 (Quake) C QuakeC Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X Quake GPL First true 3D id Tech engine.
id Tech 2 (Quake II) C C Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X wikipedia:Quake II GPL Better known as the Quake II engine.
id Tech 3 C C Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X wikipedia:Quake III Arena GPL Better known as the Quake III engine.
id Tech 4 C++ C++ via DLLs Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X wikipedia:Doom 3, Doom 3: BFG Edition, wikipedia:Quake 4 GPL Better known as the Doom 3 engine with a set of good tools and wikipedia:MegaTexture.
ioquake3 C Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X wikipedia:Urban Terror GPL
Jake2 Java Yes 3D Cross-platform GPL Java port of the Quake II game engine.
jMonkeyEngine Java Yes 3D Cross-platform BSD A community-centric project that is used by several commercial game studios.
Jogre Java Yes 2D Cross-platform GPL Used by many schools as part of the course work.
Kivy Python Kv Yes 2.5D Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Android Deflectouch, FishLife MIT For rapid development that can make multi-touch apps.
Leadwerks Engine C++ Lua Yes 3D Linux, wikipedia:Windows Vista, wikipedia:Windows 7, wikipedia:Windows 8 Proprietary
LibGDX Java Yes 2D, 3D GNU/Linux, wikipedia:Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, wikipedia:Java applet, WebGL Apache 2.0 Libgdx is a Java game development framework that provides a unified API that works across all supported platforms.
LÖVE C++ Lua Yes 2D iOS, Android, Windows, Linux, OS X, wikipedia:NetBSD, wikipedia:FreeBSD, wikipedia:OpenBSD, Solaris,and all platforms supportted by pkgsrc wikipedia:Mari0, Journey to the Center of Hawkthorne zlib
Moai SDK C++ Lua Yes 2D Windows, OS X, iOS, Android, Linux Crimson Steam Pirates, wikipedia:Broken Age, Lost in Paradise CPAL
OGRE C++ C++ Yes 3D Linux, Windows (all major versions), OS X, NaCl, wikipedia:WinRT, wikipedia:Windows Phone 8, iOS and Android wikipedia:Torchlight MIT 3D rendering engine used by several games.
ONScripter NScripter NScripter Yes 2D Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, wikipedia:Dreamcast, PSP, iOS wikipedia:Narcissu, wikipedia:Saya no Uta, wikipedia:Tsukihime GPL Used to develop wikipedia:visual novels and first-person wikipedia:adventure games.
OpenClonk C++ C4Script Yes 2.5D Windows, Linux, OS X wikipedia:OpenClonk ISC Engine for 2D action/strategy platformers with 3D graphics.
OpenSimulator C# LSL Yes 3D BSD A server platform for hosting virtual worlds that is compatible with Second Life clients.
ORX C/C++ Custom Yes 2.5D Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS, Android Le Magasin des Suicides zlib 3D accelerated
Panda3D C++ Python Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X, iOS wikipedia:Toontown Online, wikipedia:Pirates of the Caribbean Online BSD
PlayCanvas JavaScript JavaScript Yes 3D Windows Linux OS X iOS HTML5 Android Swoop, Zombie Pac-man MIT Users can work on a game at the same time via online browser and publish to multiple platforms. Engine uses WebGL and includes physics.
PlayN Java Yes 2D iOS, Android, HTML5, Windows, Linux Angry Birds Chrome Apache 2.0
PLIB C++ Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X LGPL
Pyrogenesis C++ JavaScript Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X 0 A.D. GPL Designed for RTS games.
Ren'Py Python Pygame Yes 2D Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android, wikipedia:OpenBSD wikipedia:Analogue: A Hate Story, Jisei, wikipedia:Katawa Shoujo MIT Used to develop wikipedia:visual novels and first-person wikipedia:adventure games.
Retribution Engine C++ No 3D Windows GPL For first person shooter games
Spring C++ C, C++, Java/JVM, Lua, Python Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X Balanced Annihilation, Zero-K GPL RTS, simulated events, wikipedia:OpenGL
Starling Framework ActionScript Yes 2D wikipedia:Windows, Mac OS X, GNU/Linux, iOS, Android wikipedia:Angry Birds Friends, wikipedia:Incredipede Simplified BSD Recreates the traditional Flash display list architecture on top of accelerated graphics hardware.
StepMania C++ Lua Yes 3D Cross-platform In the Groove, wikipedia:Pump It Up Pro, wikipedia:Pump It Up Infinity MIT A rhythm video game and engine that was originally developed as a simulator of Konami's DDR.
Stratagus C Lua Yes 2D Linux wikipedia:Bos Wars GPL For real-time strategy games
Torque3D C++ TorqueScript Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X no more supported wikipedia:Marble Blast Gold, wikipedia:ThinkTanks, wikipedia:Tribes 2, wikipedia:Villagers and Heroes, Blockland MIT Includes multiplayer network code, seamless indoor/outdoor rendering engines, skeletal animation, drag and drop GUI creation, a built in world editor, and a C-like scripting language.
Turbulenz wikipedia:TypeScript JavaScript Yes 2D, 3D HTML5, iOS, Android Polycraft, Save the Day, Score Rush MIT
Visual Pinball C++ VBScript No 3D Windows MAME like license
Wintermute Engine C-like syntax No 2.5D Windows Donationware, MIT License The "lite" version lacks the 3D Actor function
WorldForge C++ Lua (client), Python (server) Yes 3D GPL MMORPG framework consisting of Libraries, Server, Client, and Media.
ZGameEditor Delphi Custom Yes 3D Windows, Linux, OS X, Android MIT A lightweight game engine and IDE.
Zest3D ActionScript 3, C++ Lua Yes 3D Web, Windows, Linux, OS X, Android, iOS, BlackBerry Boost
Name Primary programming language Scripting Cross-platform 2D/3D oriented Platform Notable games License Notes and references


After a serious headache, I'm testing 3D.

First released in 1999, I skipped it at first because it seems under maintained and out-dated. Stupid a priori. Even the wiki page reinforce the idea. When you take the time to check the news on the website and the repository on bitbucket, you realise it's actively maintained!

It has all the features I'm searching for:

  • PhysX, via an addon: NxOgre.
  • Oculus Rift & OSVR support.
  • Cross-platform: Windows (all major versions), Linux, Mac OSX, Android, iOS, Windows Phone & WinRT support - even if I know that several features will be incomplete or impossible to run on some platforms, it will be possible to reuse the majority of work.
  • And, last but not least, Ogre doesn't have a scripting language. Everything must be done in C++, so no transcoding of instructions or memory.

All bookmarks regarding Ogre3D


Running the samples on linux is straight forward. Building your first project is more tricky. See Ogre3D on linux


Not even in the wikipedia list, Irrlicht is a nice candidate. It's small, fast and easy to test. All basic requirements are there. Graphics in demo are not nice even if I prefer the style of UIs. Very simple to compile and run.

Because I understand what it does, I could test an important feature I forgot to mention: multiple engines on the same machine.

Irrlicht mesh-viewer-demo.png

Compared to graphical performances of Ogre, Irrlicht seems old-fashion. A 30 minutes internet search later: can't find nice looking games with realistics 3D shadows using Irrlicht...
